There will be two all candidate's meetings. Please come out and get the information you need to make a decision on how to vote in the local government , SLRD Regional District Director Election.
IN PERSON - Monday, October 8 - 9 am to 10 am, Gold Bridge Community Club
TELEPHONE - Tuesday, October 9 - 7 pm to 8 pm, Toll Free , RSVP to - 250 238 2534 - get dial in numbers
Please do your civic duty and learn about these candidates and then vote!!!!
Thank you to the Bridge River Valley Community Association for stepping up to the plate to do this.
Voting Information
Here is a link to a 2 pager on where, when and how to vote! If you have questions call me or call the SLRD office at 1-800-298-7753.
Boralex Rezoning and Tenure Application for Valley end of their Tower System
You will recall that a rezoning was completed by the SLRD for one end of the site for the Boralex Jamie Creek IPP communications system. A tower and a small building.
Boralex has now applied for the site at this end of that system. To be able to proceed they need to complete a rezoning (SLRD's job) and receive a tenure from the Provincial Government (Provincial Govt's job to grant).
The rezoning has just gone to first reading and is being referred out to various parties - MoTi etc.- to comment on. It will then come back at some point for 2nd reading after which there will be a public hearing. Here is the link: to the rezoning documents:
The tenure application (provincial) has been circulated for any input. It is here. If you have any comments on this please get back to me right away as the SLRD needs to make comments by October 18.
Tenure Documents:
Application Area:
Detailed Map:
Location Map:
Short Term Rental - SLRD Board Sets Direction
Here is my previous blog that contains results of the survey I did of area residents.
If you are currently operating a short term rental (Air BnB or other) in an area zoned residential or rural residential you are contrary to zoning and therefore illegal.
The SLRD Board of Directors has been grappling with issues of short term rentals throughout the Regional District and in August set the following direction:
Orange Shirt Day - Every Child Matters