Regional District Director's Survey
I will be leaving this survey open until Sunday, June 3. 96 responses so far which is really good. I will be publishing the responses when done.
Click here to do the survey:
Lillooet-Pioneer Road 40 Repaving Update
Ministry of Transportation officials advise that the contractor has been issued a “Resume Work Order” and the contract completion date has been amended to June 28, 2018.
At this time the contractor has
not provided a restart date on the road but Contractor personnel are in the pit working on the
asphalt plant; getting it ready.
Little Gem Property Looking Good - Blackstone Minerals
Cobalt is a hot commodity as it is used in lithium ion batteries.
Here are two updates on this property located just north of Gun Lake.
Engagement Opportunity for SLRD Electoral Area residents and property owners: Cannabis legalization is coming this summer, and the SLRD is taking steps to prepare. We want to hear your feedback on how cannabis should be regulated in the SLRD Electoral Areas to best meet the desires of the communities, and also to achieve the objectives established by the federal and provincial governments. Learn more on our website, and take the 5 minute online survey to tell us what you think!
Click here to take the survey:
Summer at Gun Lake
Following last summer, I did a survey of Gun Lake Property Owners to determine what their opinion was on some of the issues that occured.
Here is a link to the survey results.. Be sure in comment sections to click on responses to see all of the comments. Click Here: .
I have been in touch with the RCMP who have advised they will be patrolling the boat launch area as well as working, in cooperation with the Conservation Service, doing some boat patrols.
Bralorne Water System Condition Assessment
The SLRD has been awarded $7,500 for an infrastructure planning grant to look at the Bralorne Water System and provide a condition assessment. This will inform planning for the Bralorne Water Service.
BC Flood and Wildfire Review
Gold Bridge Transfer Station
Do you know all the things you can take and recycle at the Gold Bridge Transfer Station. This video will show you in spectacular fashion. If you want to share with friends & family so they know too, here s the YouTube Link: