Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope everyone is coming up to have a lot of fun between Christmas and New Years...and yes, "the plan" is...at least for Sal to do this on January 1 while I stand on the shore shivering and thinking various things about the people jumping in.

Current Public Road Maintenance Contract Bid
The procurement process for
maintenance of 27 of the 28 service areas throughout the province is currently
- See the September 14, 2017 news release.
As you are aware, Interior Roads is the current maintenance contractor on public roads in our area.
The Province will award contracts
with a 10-year term, and an optional a five-year extension, which will provide
continuity of services and extended labour peace.
Learn more about highway maintenance
in British Columbia and the 2018/2018 Highway Maintenance Agreements:
If you are interested Lillooet-Pioneer Road 40 is classified as 4 for Summer Maintenance and C for Winter Maintenance.
For those of you with a bit of technical ability here is the link to the Roads Inventory. This can be explored as is or downloaded onto Google Earth. The roads are color coded as per their classification. It takes a bit of playing around but once you have it you'll be amazed at how you can find out at a glance the road classification. I have this loaded onto my own Google Earth as a file now, so that when I go to Ministry officials I already know the classification of a road and combined with the maintenance specifications know if we have no issue or a big issue.
Road Safety and Maintenance Links
Thanks to Sal Demare for putting together this fantastic library of Road Safety and Maintenance Links. It gives you an in cone place list of every conceivable link re road safety and maintenance.
If you are looking for something/someone/or how to complain this Library has it.
Bralorne Gold Mines Update
I recently had a chat with Avino representatives and here is a brief summary (and I hope accurate as I am not a miner), see the link below which basically says the same thing:
-they received a permit to mine 100 tons/day
-they are going to do some trial mining at 100 tons/day and
stockpile the material – this starts new year
-they are rebuilding the mill and also are working on
getting the permit at 400 t/day
-once the mill is rebuilt – 4th quarter – they
will mill the stockpile
-they are also undertaking a 56 hole drill program in the
new year to prove out their resources
Long and short is while there will be additional contractors
etc on site, generally that uptick in people will be accommodated within their facility. Currently do not expect to see any big uptick in employment
until 2019.
Most recent Avino update re Bralorne Gold Mines
Input on Guided Hunt Outfit Tenure Application
The SLRD have been referred an application by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations regarding a guided hunt outfit that would like tenure within your Electoral Area.
Please see the two maps below and the link to the Management Plan which was submitted.
Link to Mapping and Actual Tenure Application
Click here to send comments/input. I will synthesize & forward on to SLRD staff.
Know someone who deserves to be recognized?
Link to detailed application info: http://www.bcachievement.com/community/info.php
SLRD November Update
Click here to see the overall SLRD update for November