Saturday, September 16, 2017

Road 40 Repaving - Bralorne Gold Mines Update

Road 40 Repaving
The paving crew is wrapping up the Seton paving.  Next step is moving the asphalt paving plant , which is a large and complicated procedure.   Anticipated  start date   for the Road 40 paving is the week of Sept 25. (one month of paving anticipated) .  

Photo. M. Nortje, Sept. 12  Gravel Pit @ Marshall Lake Rd. turnoff Rd 40

SLRD as well as other lead  agencies (ie RCMP School district )  will be formally notified by letter of the project dates and details and we will share out via social media and other channels .  Digital changeable message signs will also be posted at  site.   The paving company also has traffic management delay limitations to meet in order to minimize disruption to the traveling public.  

Roles of Ministry of Transportation Officials

I often get asked the difference between the MOTI Area Manager and the MOTI Operations Manager.  

A “High level” description of Roles and Responsibilities would be as follows:

District Operations Manager (DOM)
  • -          Reports to the District Manager
  • -          Responsible for the day to day operation of the administration of the Maintenance Contract; including establishing a local monitoring and auditing program
  • -          Directs and supervises staff that report to the position
  • -          Assists with the coordination of the Ministry Rehabilitation Program,
  • -          May manage the Commercial Vehicle and Safety Program for the District
  • -          Interacts with various stakeholders at various levels of government
  • -          Ensures that financial, personnel and contracted resources are managed effectively in accordance with Ministry and government requirements,
  • -          Coordinates Emergency response activities for district related MVI’s and or natural events that impact the public road system etc.
  • -          Acts as second in command to the DM
  • -          Delegated authority to suspend employees
  • -          Has the authority to initiate short term road/bridge closures to ensure public safety

Should be contacted in the absence of the local Roads Area Manager for any road related matters – caveat being maintenance. 

If it’s a road and bridge maintenance issue, the first point of contact should be the local maintenance contractor.   See this link for information on how to do that:

The District Operations Manager can also be contacted in instances where followup with the local maintenance contractor or local Area Manager has proven ineffective)

District Roads Area Manager
  • -          Reports to the Operations Manager,
  • -          Acts as the Ministry rep. within their assigned area by identifying and resolving local highway Operations issues,
  • -          Liaises with local stakeholders at all levels within their assigned area regarding any road related concerns,
  • -          Administers the Maintenance Contract through monitoring and auditing for an assigned portion of the District to monitor the Contractor’s requirement to adhere to the terms and conditions of the contract.
  • -          Plans, organizes, coordinates and manages highway operations and road rehab programs within their assigned area,
  • -          Project manages any assigned projects that are assigned to them within their area,
  • -          Responds immediately to any unusual events or emergencies that are road related within their assigned area,

Should be considered the local point of contact for all road related matters with their area - caveat being maintenance. 

The local Maintenance Contractor should be the first point of contact for any local road and bridge maintenance concerns. See this link on how to do that:

If following discussions with the local maintenance contractor, the individual is still not satisfied, it is recommended that they then followup with the local Roads Area Manager. 

What's up with Bralorne Gold Mines?

As many of you know, Bralorne Gold Mines is now owned by Avino Silver & Gold Mines Ltd.

I have provided 3 links below, which once read, will give you the overall pictures as to what is planned for Bralorne Gold Mine.  

Avino Update on Bralorne Gold Mine   This is a thorough update.

Bralorne Community Presentation  Community Presentation to meetings in April 2017

I will keep you updated with any pertinent new information.

Area A 2017 Tax Information

Regional District Taxation is complex to say the least.  You receive it on several lines with your provincial tax notice which also includes School Taxes and other Provincial Taxes.

The link below gives you JUST the regional district portion in a little different format than your tax notice.

Area A 2017 Tax Information - Chart - Click Here

I have worked hard to try and keep the total Regional District taxes for our area pretty close to the same, maybe sometimes going up a little or down a little.  If you have questions please contact me.