I've contacted FLNRO re the Hurley. It is so dry, its really not optimal for grading...fines go everywhere on top of the fire risk from machinery. They are going to try and have the industrial road user grade from Bridge River Main FSR junction down to bridge. I'll stay on top of this.
Boralex Rezoning for Communication Tower on Mt. Penrose
The SLRD received a zoning amendment application for a proposed private communications tower on an unsurveyed parcel of Crown land on Mt. Penrose (adjacent to Gun Lake). See Appendix B: Location Site Plan. The current RR2 – Rural Resource zoning does not include private communications tower as a permitted use. Further, as the proposed communications tower is not located on the same parcel as the Jamie Creek Hydroelectric Facility (located ~ 10kms from Jamie Creek IPP - across Downtown Lake and up Mt. Penrose), it cannot be considered an accessory use to the IPP. Thus, a zoning amendment is required to support this use.
Complete SLRD Report:
The SLRD Board passed first reading on July 25. Eventually there will be a public hearing and I will let you know well in advance. In the meantime if you have questions/comments/concerns let me know.
Ride with Chris Brown Snowmobile Tenure - Referral
UPDATE: Input Deadline is now August 31
There is a snowmobile tenure referral out for comment. SLRD has received an extension to August 11 for input and hopes to get a bit more time from that as well. Bralorne Recreation Area (Sunshine), Bralorne Community Advisory Committee, the Trails Committee and the Bridge River Valley Snowmobile Club have all given input. Additionally the SLRD is compiling all the input as well as reviewing documents such as the Official Community Plan and others and will be submitted input.
Have a read of the attached and if you have input you will see how to provide or you can send it to me and I'll make sure it gets into the SLRD for additional to our input.
RWCB Snowmobile Tenure Referral Document
Area's Major Licencee, Aspen Planers in process of developing a new Forest Stewardship Plan
UPDATE: Aspen Planers FSP Presentation/Info Session: Wednesday, August 30 10-Noon. Gold Bridge Community Club
A forest stewardship plan (FSP) must be prepared by all Major License (ML) holders under the Forest Act.
The FSP has a term of five years and may be renewed for an additional term. It contains a description of the forest development units where harvesting and road building may occur and must specify results or strategies that describe how a ML holder will meet the objectives set by government for the 11 resource values of: Soils, Timber, Wildlife, Water, Fish, Biodiversity, Visual Quality, Cultural Heritage, Recreation, Invasive Plants and Natural Range Barriers. The provincial government must approve an FSP before associated permits can be issued to the agreement holder.
Review and Comment
FSPs must be made publicly available for review and comment. A licensee must advertise that the plan is available and allow at least 60 days for comments to be received. This process allows other tenure holders, professionals, communities, stakeholders, and the public to provide input on these plans. FSPs must also be shared and discussed with affected First Nations as part of the licensee’s obligation to consultation. Aspen Planers will begin this period on August 2.
General Information on Forest Stewardship Plans
Review documents can be found at this link: http://aspenplaners.ca/resources/ The documents are called:
2017 Aspen Planers Lillooet FSP July 25 Ver. 30 DRAFT
2017 Lillooet FSP Rationale Document July 25 Ver. 21 DRAFT
There are also a number of maps at this link as well.
Aspen Planers FSP Presentation/Info Session: Wednesday, August 30 10-Noon. Gold Bridge Community Club I have also distributed this information widely. I will be working to gather questions/comments/input.
BC Hydro Water Licence Renewal Process
Water licences that authorize BC Hydro to either store or divert water for power purposes at their facilities are issued by the Comptroller of Water Rights under the Water Sustainability Act. BC Hydro is currently starting the process to renew 5 water licences and 1 associated Permit
over Crown Land (PCL) at the LaJoie and Bridge facilities to enable us to continue operating the facilities.The licences and the facilities to which they apply are shown in the figure below.
More detailed information on the process is available at: bchydro.com/waterlicencerenewal
I will also be staying in touch with all of you on this and if you have any comments/questions/input please feel free to get in touch with me.