After a very long gap, my blog is back! To say that sometimes life gets ahead of you is an understatement and the same is true for me. When I saw that my last post was April 27, I went oh my goodness. I will try to get back to more regular blogs. As you know I try to share only factual information. This is not an "official" SLRD blog and I encourage you to bookmark their website or like them on Facebook. They are doing an awesome job these days of communication using modern tools - - and you can find a lot of information there. What I try to do is interpret for you as the Regional District Director for Area A. Here goes..............
Our Favorite Topic: The Hurley River Road
The road has been graded 3 times over the summer (May, July and August). The July grade was challenged by the Boulder Fire and the weather. The road will have a complete end to end grade starting Sept.12. The hope is that there will be some budget left to do some surfacing. I will stay in touch on this or you can keep an eye on for updates.
If you have any comments please feel free to call or email me.
Also if you have been by the corner of Pemberton Meadows Rd. at the turn onto the Lillooet River FSR(which leads to the Hurley) you will see it's a "dogs breakfast" of signs. A number of people have called me because their guests miss the turn, it is so poorly marked now. I , with support of Area C director Russell Mack have followed up with FLNRO and will stay on it to see if we can get some improvements in signage.
Lillooet Recreation Centre

At this link you will find a very short survey to guage the community's thoughts on this:
I will let you know what develops here.
Bralorne TV Service and Society
The Bralorne TV Society runs an antenna based service in Bralorne. The SLRD funds this service through taxation of Bralorne residents. The Society has been challenged to operate in good standing.
This spring I did a survey to assist in understanding who watches it, etc.
Here are the results:
There will be more information coming on this service from the Bralorne TV Society.
Fire Services Review & Public Consultation
Click Here: My Previous Posts on this Topic (scroll down abit)
Click Here: To read the Fire Services Review
As you know, the SLRD conducted a Fire Services Review in
2013, a document that indicated there were a number of changes necessary in how
fire services were being handled region-wide. However, given the importance of
fire protection services, it is the hope that we will see all established
services continue into the future. We are currently looking at a different
service delivery model that clarifies relationships between the SLRD and all
fire protection services, and supports local chiefs in delivering the service
levels intended by their service establishment and other related bylaws.
The SLRD does not intend to
make rapid or sweeping changes to fire services in the Upper BRV, especially
without public consultation and input from existing Societies. To that end,
between now and 2016, the SLRD will be engaging residents in consultative
process to help determine the future direction of fire protection. Once a timeline and framed the engagement our SLRD staff will be reaching out to
local chiefs to assist in this process, and to accurately represent the views
and goals of their services.
Please pay attention and give your considered opinion once you have all the information. Fire service delivery has changed alot since our services in Bralorne and Gun Lake were put in place. There is quite a bit for you the public to learn and understand. This is an opportunity to shape and mold the fire services we receive in our area for a decade or more to come.
In our area, we are seeing property owners renting their homes and cabins using Air BNB. This is, of course, completely contrary to zoning bylaws. However, the Air BNB phenomenon is affecting many places rural and urban. Generally all is well until legal accomodation businesses start to suffer or the nightly rentals impact on neighbors with noise, traffic, etc.
Here is a great article, that gives some information and starts to pose some questions about Air BNB.