Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Things to think about before you vote...........

The Southern Interior Beetle Action Coalition recently produced this video to spread the message of the Rural BC Project – a project that addresses the decline in our rural BC communities. Please share.”

Foreshore Development Information 

The SLRD put forward the following resolution to the Southern Interior Local Government Association and it passed.  This resolution will now go to UBCM in September and if passed there, communication will occur between the Provincial Government and UBCM on the content of the resolution.

WHEREAS there is a lack of cooperative, consistent and available enforcement efforts at all agency levels (local, provincial, federal) with respect to the contravention of Riparian Area Regulations (RAR);
AND WHEREAS citizens and local government are challenged to fairly apply, enforce and adhere to the regulations at a reasonable cost:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government review the watercourses designated under RAR to ensure that they have significance to fish and habitat health;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the provincial government appropriately enforce the RAR and provide adequate funds for said enforcement.
I have also found the following information much of which is very useful.

The Lillooet Compliance &Enforcement officer is Brad Beaupre  250-256-1459.

Information on “changes in and about a stream” can be found here

Although this pamphlet was developed for the Shuswap Lake, it has good information in it

Another pamphlet developed for lake front owners

Below are links to BMP’s and Operation Statements which have guidance for foreshore development (and other activities). Generally, if someone wants to do some lakeshore stabilization or other activity in the BMP/OS list, they can proceed as long as they submit a Water Act Approval or Notification and can follow the BMP/OS.


Spruce Budworm Spraying Update
I recently asked Lorraine MacLaughlin for an update on the Spruce Budworm spraying in the area.

She has kindly supplied a map of the proposed spray area for this spring.
DRAFT map of spraying in our area
She advises:
 *a confirmation number has been issued for their PMP 
 *Lorraine found the  first emerged larvae today & budmining (very, very tiny) so the insects are still there!
 *Lorraine will be in the area on a regular basis from now on checking on insect development and getting some areas to do pre- and post-spray sampling. 
*The anticipated spray window is still mid-June and signs go up in and around the area closer to the time as well as maps showing the final spray block boundaries. 

Forestry Resolutions put forward by Bralorne Citizens
Two issues that surfaced during the challenges this winter with logging in and around Bralorne were formed into resolutions by Bralorne Citizens.  They then went to the SLRD
where they were supported and this past week received endorsement by the Southern Interior Local Government Assoc (represents over 500k citizens).  The resolutions will now go to UBCM in September and if passed there, UBCM will communicate with the Provincial Government in order to try and bring about what the resolutions ask for. 

Special recognition to the Bralorne citizens who worked so hard this winter and put forward these two resolutions.  Particular notice of Roger & Lorna Geeves who became veritable experts on Forest practices and regulations in a very short period of time.

(18a) TITLE: Forest Stewardship Plan Extension
WHEREAS forest stewardship plan development is the public’s only opportunity to provide formal comment on forest practices in a potentially large area;
AND WHEREAS forest stewardship plans have a five year term and can be extended to 10 years by government:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that when applying for a forest stewardship plan extension the licensee should be legally required to notify the public of the renewal application and the public should have the right to have any concerns noted and addressed.

(18b) TITLE: Forest Stewardship and Industrial Activity
WHEREAS forest stewardship plan development is the public’s only opportunity to provide formal comment on forest practices in a potentially large area;
AND WHEREAS it is important for communities and the public to be aware of resource industry activity in areas where they live, work or recreate:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that forest companies be required to establish and maintain a publicly available project website to ensure public awareness of ongoing activities and construction schedules making all monitoring reports prepared during operation available to the public on the project website.
Jeanette Nadon, the SLRD Communications person does a great job of these updates. Lots of info in here.  Give me a call if you want more info on anything!!
Click here: